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Marvel Heroes & Rocket Raccoon

There was a time, a Dark Ages I'll call it, when the idea of a video game with Rocket Raccoon as a character was an impossibility. Sure, he has existed nearly as long as video games have been in homes, but his popularity simply did not warrant it. Not until the Modern Age of comics and, really, not until Marvel decided they were going to make a Guardians of the Galaxy movie, did it happen. He always had the potential, just needed that spotlight.


Now Rocket Raccoon has, thankfully, become a given for the roster of nearly any new Marvel game. I once had here a "Gaming Nexus" mentioning various games in which Rocket appears. While Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 gets special credit for being Rocket's game debut and other games have done Rocket well in some or few ways, only one game both makes him reasonably acquirable and aces his portrayal (in my opinion). That game is the comic-themed Massively Multiplayer Online Action RPG creation of Diablo/ARPG icon David Brevik: Marvel Heroes.

Marvel Heroes

Take note Marvel Games people, it probably is no coincidence that my absolute favorite game is also the game where Rocket Raccoon is both easiest to attain and best represented. Marvel Heroes is a Massively Multiplayer Online Action Roleplaying Game created by Gazillion and the man who pretty much invented the ARPG genre, with Diablo and Diablo 2, David Brevik. A true spiritual successor to Diablo with the Marvel license would be worth anyone's money, but that is the best part. This game is free-to-play. Not only free-to-play, but one of the most consumer-friendly implementations of the concept I have ever seen. You can choose to play Rocket Raccoon from the first time you play the game and unlock his full max level without paying a dime. Not only that, as with other heroes, Rocket has a large amount of spoken lines and a wide variety of powers that largely stay very true to who he is as a character. So, it absolutely passes the Rocket Factor test, with flying colors, but it also happens to be a very fun game that has features the ARPG genre never saw before it, such as raids. The MMO element means you see others players as you move from map to map and you can even form guilds (called supergroups, technically, but old habits, etc). I have a guild on Marvel Heroes called the D'ast Raccoonatics. Anyone, even if they are not a Raccoonatic (yet), is welcome to join the D'ast Raccoonatics, so give me a shout, if interested.


Simply, if you are a Raccoonatic, or gamer in general, you are doing yourself a major disservice by not giving this game a chance. It is free to download and try, so no reason not to do so. It is both on Steam and downloadable as a separate client from, and it is playable on both PC and Mac on the same shared game servers.



Rocket Raccoon on Marvel Heroes Overview


Bio (From Game): Rocket Raccoon is a space-faring adventurer whose small size and adorable features belie his unparalleled bravery and loyal soul. He hails from the bizarre planet Halfworld, which is occupied by a variety of sentient animals.


Rocket uses his brilliant tactical mind, excellent marksmanship, and very large guns against a variety of interstellar threats. He often works with—and sometimes leads—the Guardians of the Galaxy in defense of various endangered worlds. Some of his friends think Rocket might have a touch of OCD, but what raccoon doesn't wash his hands a dozen times a day?


Team Affiliations: Guardians of the Galaxy


Voice Lines: On Marvel Heroes, Rocket Raccoon is voiced by Steve Blum and has his once-canon Cockney accent. Except for his MCU costume which has no Cockney accent and is voiced by Nolan North, in an approximation of his movie voice. For his third set of voice lines, his symbiote costume, Steve Blum reprises his Cockney accent for a completely new set of lines which have a symbiote voice effect to them. I had been working on a log of voice lines for Rocket here, but I decided to remove them for two reasons: 1. Accuracy, some lines are hard to hear exactly what is being said, especially rarer lines I do not hear often; 2. It's more fun you to hear some of these lines for yourself. I think any fan of Rocket Raccoon will be quite pleased.


Item Flavor Text: Almost anything you can equip on Marvel Heroes has a line of flavor text at the bottom of the item's stat window. While many veteran players only end up equpping unique items (sending the rest automatically to the vaporizer), some of the flavor text on the lower-tiered gear is fun to read. I've posted the flavor text lines on Rocket's gear as well as his uniques here.


Rocket's powers that are available on Marvel Heroes. To flesh out a full ARPG kit for a hero who is mostly just known for shooting big guns, Gazillion had to take some creative liberties but, for the most part, they solidly captured the spirit of Rocket Raccoon. All of Rocket's powers that deal damage deal Energy type damage (except Groot's own attacks), so I will not specify that. (There is also a gallery of his move appearances at the bottom of the page)

Weapons Specialist

For the most part, this is a tree for those who choose to focus on gun powers.

Photon Pistols - Basic/Ranged/Gun - Unlocks at Level 1

Rapidly fire your twin handguns, unloading photon bursts that pierce through enemies.

M78 Plasma Launcher - Ranged/Area/Gun - Unlocks at Level 4

Launch a high-intensity charge of plasma at targeted location that burns and slows enemies.

Big Flarkin' Gun - Ranged/Area/Gun - Unlocks at Level 10

Destroy enemies with a constant stream of white-hot plasma from your biggest gun.

Shoot and Run - Ranged/Gun - Unlocks at Level 16

Roll backwards out of combat firing double shots from your Photon Pistols that stun your target.

Photon Minigun - Ranged/Gun - Unlocks at Level 22

Inspired by the original Raccoonatic LW-60, the recent model of the minigun combines rapidfire technology with breakthroughs in photon laser research. / Hold down the hotkey to barrage an enemy with a constant stream of photon lasers.

Heavy Plasma Rifle - Basic/Ranged/Area/Gun - Unlocks at Level 26

Unleash heavy plasma rounds at your target that deliver explosive energy detonations on impact.

Heavy Gauss Rifle - Ranged/Gun - Unlocks at Level 37

Hold the hotkey to charge up a high-energy slug to supersonic speeds, piercing through enemies. This gun's effect overclocks your weapon batteries for a short time, giving them an extra kick.

Galactic Guardian

This is a tree with Rocket's summon and device powers.

My Friend Groot - Summon - Unlocks at Level 1

Summon your big buddy, the mighty sentient tree Groot, to fight your enemies. Re-activate to direct Groot to charge to a target.

Blaster Turret - Summon/Turret - Unlocks at Level 2

Set up an automated turret that blasts your enemies. Turrets receive a tremendous boost to attack speed when intitially deployed.

C-12 Stun Grenade - Ranged/Area - Unlocks at Level 3

A high-explosive grenade that stuns and weakens enemies within the explosion.

Time Warp Turret - Summon/Turret - Unlocks at Level 6

Set up a temporal distortion device that slows nearby enemies and enemy projectiles.

Suppression Turret - Summon/Turret - Unlocks at Level 12

Set up an automated turret that periodically stuns and weakens enemies with wide energy pulses.

Gravity Mine - Ranged/Area - Unlocks at Level 24

Deploy a mine that explodes and redirects gravity to pull all enemies toward it.

Tactical Genius

This is a tree with utility powers and powers that most or all Rocket builds use.

Rocket Dash - Melee/Movement - Unlocks at Level 1

Lunge forward, knocking down enemies in your path and slashing them with your energy knife.

Combat Shield - Unlocks at Level 1

You are protected by a high-tech energy field that negates some incoming damage. Combat shield automatically regenerates out of combat.

Rocket Flight - Flight/Movement - Unlocks at Level 10 - Travel Power (no spirit use, can be bound separate from bar, max 1 point)

Hold down the hotkey to activate your rocket pack and fly above enemies and obstacles.

Laser Drill Burrow - Unlocks at Level 14

Using the latest laser-drill technology, burrow underground to another location, causing enemies to briefly ignore you. When you emerge from the ground, you will move with increased speed.

Razor-Sharp Wits - Passive (Buff) - Unlocks at Level 18

You survey the battlefield with a hungry eye, looking for enemy weakpoints and the best loot.

H7 Fleetslayer - Signature/Ranged/Area - Unlocks at Level 30

Unleash the quad-barreled tactical nuke launcher, creating a massive high-energy explosion at the point of impact. Fire up to 4 warheads before requiring a recharge.

Specializations - Unlocks at Level 30 - Only Can Have One Active

Assault Specialization - Gunner build spec: buffs gun powers, reduces Gauss Rifle cooldown, adds spirit restore to signature

Battery Specialization - Summoner build spec: buffs signature based on summon ally damage,  buffs turrets/Groot/summoned ally damage

Explosive Specialization - Explosive Groot-less build spec: buffs explosive weapons - signature, heavy plasma, stun grenade, gravity mine

Ultimate Power

Mechfall - Gun/Summon - Unlocks at Level 52

Mount up and stomp skulls in style with the legendary Thanosbuster mech-suit. Gain access to rockets, flamethrower and thrusters while piloting the Mech.



Left to Right: Modern (Default); Original Green (1985); GotG NOW (vol. 3); Deep Space; Marvel NOW (only appeared in a promo pic); Office Attire (Timely Inc.); GotG Movie (Enhanced); Cosmic Gear (Chase); Symbiote (Enhanced)

Powers (mouseover for more info)
Weapons Specialist Powers
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